Picasa to Lightroom

Latest News:
5/31/2023: P2Lr support ended
6/19/2022: Version 2.7 Released. See release notes.

What is P2Lr?

P2Lr is a Free Plugin for Adobe Lightroom Classic that helps you transfer your Picasa photos and annotation data into Lightroom. Since P2Lr is a Lightroom plugin, it runs on both Mac and PC… anywhere Lightroom Classic runs.

End of Life Notice

P2Lr development ended in 2022, and this website will be taken down soon. However the P2Lr plugin should still work with the latest version of Lightroom.

Please read the introduction part of the instructions first to see if you really want to use Lightroom. The instructions will help you transfer your Picasa data to just about any photo manager. Even if you decide to use Lightroom, you may not need the to install and run the plugin. The instructions explain why.

If you still want the plugin, contact me at info@picasa-lightroom.com and I'll send it to you, and I'll try to answer any questions you have.

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